The AstraZeneca Balance Personal Health Tool™ provides people living with type 2 diabetes a support application to help lead a healthier lifestyle. The app helps you track your steps/activity, calories/meals, and medication on a daily basis. In partnership with your healthcare provider, you can set goals and use the tools in this app to keep a record of your progress.This application can only be used by type 2 diabetes patients that are verified as part of the Balance program. The app does not give medical advice and patients are instructed to contact their healthcare provider to discuss any treatment-related questions or before starting a diet or exercise plan.
Key features: • Log and monitor your blood glucose levels• View your daily step count through a paired pedometer • Log your meals and calories • Log your activities and calories burned • Receive reminders to keep track of your medication • Receive notifications to help meet your goals • Earn “triumph” badges when you reach your goals• View your trends and progress over time